Private Lessons

Private lessons offer a wonderful opportunity to define and refine your own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu game. By working directly with one of our wonderful Professors or Coaches you will receive the benefit of their years of knowledge analyzing your strongest and weakest areas and working with you to enhance the good and negate the bad.

The focus of your lessons can be defined by you or a curriculum can be designed by your Professor or Coach. Would you like to improve your half-guard? Get better at passing your opponents guard? Focus on refining self-defense techniques? Our staff is ready and excited to help you! 

Private lessons have helped me immensely. Working directly with the Professors gives you the unparalleled advantage of having some of the best in the world focus their attention on you and your game.

Since I started my technique, instincts, confidence, and success has increased exponentially.
— Scott Ladue